
Our Mission

 Spiritual Revival, Transformation, and a Deeper Relationship with Christ!


March 27-30, 2025

Denton, North Carolina

In this life we will face fierce storms. When you are founded in the rock Christ Jesus nothing in this world will move your faith. Christ will stand as your solid ground amiss the fiercest storms of life. You are founded in Christ grace, His life, and His love!

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Unrecognizable woman holding a bible in her hands and praying

I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
- Psalms 16:8

What is Your Foundation?
We are in a great controversy. The devil desires to destroy your faith. 

 Is Jesus Christ your solid rock and unshakable ground?

Our Speakers

Daniel Alcantara

Iosif Sacuiu

Tim Mayhew

James Finol

Retreat Schedule


2:00 Registration / Set Up Lodging

5:00 Choir Practice

6:00 Supper

7:30 Opening Charge - Losif Sacuiu

8:30 Icebreaker

10:00 Curfew


 8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Morning Meeting - Breakout Session

10:00 Choir Practice

11:00 Games

12:00 Lunch

1:30 Community Service Orientation

2:00 Leave for Community Service

4:30 Be Back from Community Service

4:45 Outreach Prep

5:45 Supper

7:00 Evening Meeting - Tim Mayhew

8:00 Choir Practice

10:00 Curfew


8:45 Choir Practice

9:30 Sabbath School - Jason Barnes

11:00 Divine Service - James Finol

12:30 Group Picture, Lunch

2:00 Outreach Orientation

2:30 Leave for Outreach

5:30 Be Back from Outreach, Testimony Time

6:00 Supper

7:00 Evening Meeting - Daniel Alcantara

8:00 Activities

10:00 Curfew


7:00 Morning Devotional

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Final Charge - Q&A Panel