
Our Mission

 Spiritual Revival, Transformation, and a Deeper Relationship with Christ!

About Us

AYM Carolina is an Adventist youth ministry based in North Carolina. Our bi-annual retreats are planned for youth, by youth. Though all ages can be benefited from the uplifting and inspiring content presented in these events, the primary target age is for youth 12-20 (and their families). Feel free to learn more about us at!

Meet the Team

Olivia Zummach
Olivia Zummach

Olivia is a 19-year-old from central North Carolina. Some of her favorite hobbies include photography, piano, reading, baking, hiking, camping, and traveling. She enjoys spending time in nature (especially in the mountains), Bible study, and with family and friends. Some of her favorite Bible verses are Isaiah 55:8-9 which reminds her that God's ways are so much better than her own, or even that she can imagine! Psalm 61:1-3 also speaks to her about His never failing love.

Daniel pic
Daniel Rojas 
Vice President/Secretary
Daniel Rojas

Daniel is a 20-year-old from Virginia. A few of his interests include music, math, science and history, and outdoor activities and projects. His favorite Bible verses are 1 Corinthians 10:13, Romans 8:28, and Jeremiah 29:11. These verses encourage him to fight the Christian battle and obtain the victory through Jesus Christ, and remind him that God has a purpose and a good plan for his life, "to give him an expected end."

Malcolm Smith
Registration Coordinator
Malcolm Smith

Malcolm is a 17 year old from western North Carolina. He enjoys being out in nature, riding dirt bikes, mountain bikes, white water kayaking, and hiking. He also enjoys working on heavy diesel equipment. But above all he enjoys studying the Bible. His favorite verse is Psalm 51:10. "Create in me a clean heart oh God; and renew a right spirit within me.''

Kaitlynn Wong
VP of Logistics
Kaitlynn Wong

Kaitlynn is an 18-year-old from Southern North Carolina. She enjoys hiking, camping, singing, horseback riding, gardening, working outdoors, and playing her guitar, and piano. She loves to engage in anything outdoors in God’s first book. She wants to be a medical missionary one day, and her favorite Bible verses are Romans 8:28-39 Which reminds her that God is there for us, even when we can’t see him, and that we can trust in him.

Tim Mayhew
Technology Coordinator
Tim Mayhew

Tim is a 18-year-old from north-central Ohio. Some of his favorite recreational activities include hiking in the mountains, photography, video editing, flying drones, four wheeling, hanging out with friends, and traveling. His favorite author of the Bible is John, and his favorite Bible passage is Revelation 22:12-21, especially the 17th verse. It's such an amazing promise to him for those who are faithful, and an amazing ending for the best book ever written.

Elijah Rodgers
VP of Evangelism
Elijah Rodgers

Elijah Rodgers is a 19-year old from North Carolina. He enjoys beekeeping, saw milling, farming, spending time in the forest studying different trees, learning the many wonders of human anatomy and physiology, serving others, and spreading the everlasting gospel. His favorite Bible verses are Joshua 1:9 and 2 Corinthians 12:9 which gives him the promise that God is with us when we do what he has commanded and that God’s strength in made perfect in human weakness when we are fully surrendered to Him.

Nehemiah Rodgers
Evangelism Assistant
Nehemiah Rodgers

Nehemiah is a 15-year old from North Carolina. Some of the things he loves are operating machines, mountains/nature, teaching, building, music-singing, and traveling. He's a video producer/photographer and he loves doing mission work! His favorite Bible verses are 2 Chronicles 15:7 "Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be week: for your work shall be rewarded." and Matthew 28: 19-20 which lets him know that God is always there, and gives him a purpose.

Team Through The Years